Types of Coaching

There are various ways to learn and grow. Coach Sjong can help you improve as a climber by using these methods.

Tim Fulkerson

“Justen is a master coach. In my experience, great coaches help their athletes appreciate their own particular gifts. Justen is extraordinary at working with athletes who are open, interested and motivated to get to the next level. Justen uses a mixture of questions, athlete self-reflection, various physical drills and exercises, and Justen's very specific and personal awareness and observations in working with his clients. His approach helps his clients build deeper mental awareness, strength, resilience and most importantly, their own joy and passion for climbing. ”

In Person Coaching

  • In the first coaching session, we'll observe your warm-up and gradually increase the difficulty of the climbs. Justen aims to understand your priorities and decision-making as a climber, to establish trust and enhance your climbing. Justen will share observations, listing strengths, highlighting pitfalls, and suggesting ways to improve. He focuses on skills that hinder progress, presents observations constructively, and shares opportunities for growth. After each session, Justen connects with the athlete, asking for their reflection to enhance their understanding. Expect verbal communication on specific drills for practice. Days later you will receive a written evaluation on your skills.

  • The Next Step Session is for climbers who have been working hard on their exercises and want guidance on what to do next or need clarification. These sessions focus on collaboration and aim to build upon the progress you've already made. We provide valuable insights and support to help you further improve your skills.

  • The Support Session is for those who want to make their practice more effective. Coach Sensei will guide you on techniques that work well, how to set goals, and how to structure your routines for maximum performance and productivity.

  • A Performance Session is for clients who want to excel in their climbing efforts or competitions. Coach Sensei will work closely with you, providing personalized coaching, strategies, and mental preparation techniques to help you reach your performance goals.

Alex Biale

“I've known Justen for years now. He's always been an approachable, knowledgeable, and relatable friend (and coach). Before working with Justen, I was always skeptical of climbing coaching. Climbing is such an individual sport where everyone has their own style, training methodology, and goals. Justen took the time to get to know me as a person before we started training together. Quickly, he was able to identify some key weaknesses in my own climbing that I had always perceived as strengths. This type of insight has allowed me to approach my movement and my training much differently. Through the years, I've learned about the attributes that make great athletes, themes in my own climbing that hold me back, and strengths I never knew I had. I'd recommend working with Justen for anyone wanting to take their climbing to the next level.”

Online Coaching

  • This is a 9 or 13 Week commitment that will focus on ‘Off Season Training’ or ‘In Season Performance Coaching’ with an emphasis on skill development through video feedback.

    Click the button below then fill out the form to start the process.

  • This is the best option because it provides regular in person sessions but also provides a structured routine to follow between those sessions.

    Click the button below then fill out the form to start the process.

  • Great way to dive into a topic with self guided practice with designated office hours for additional support.

    In the process of Beta Testing and more information coming soon!