Which is better for me: coaching indoors or outdoor?

We often envision our goals for the next year, but what is the best path to achieve them?

Colorado Crag Locations:

The Crags are an ideal location to effectively test your climbing progress or to better define the specific factors that may be holding you back, allowing you to target your training more precisely and efficiently.

  • Rifle - Premier Sport Climbing on the Western Slope.

  • Stauton State Park - Sport Climbing on Friendly Inviting Granite.

  • Clear Creek - Endless amount of Quality Convenient Rock Close to Denver Metro Area.

  • Table Mountain - Perfect for those Cold Days when you are Needing the Sun.

  • Eldorado - Life Time of Old School Trad Climbing to Keep you Honest.

  • Flatirons - Modern Sport with Stunning Views of Boulder

  • Boulder Canyon - A Little Old School with lots of Modern Sport Climbing.

Outdoor Coaching


  • $450 - Full Day allows ample time to approach the crag and have a thorough discussion about the specific goals we hope to accomplish for the day. When these goals involve strategies for tackling demanding traditional climbing routes, mentally preparing for an exciting attempt, or simply learning various techniques to maximize our enjoyment and efficiency during the day, a duration of 4.5 to 8 hours is perfect for achieving those objectives.

  • $350 - Half Day provides ample time for a few focused and efficient attempts on your climbing project or to receive valuable feedback on your single pitch traditional climbing techniques.

  • $250 - 2 Hour Session is designed specifically for those projects or coaching sessions where the crag is conveniently located right by the roadside, allowing for easy access. This option is ideal for individuals who might want to squeeze in some climbing either before or after a busy day at work, ensuring that even the most hectic schedules can accommodate a targeted outdoor coaching experience.


    • Efficiency at the Crag - New to Outdoor Climbing and it feels like there must be some effective tricks and techniques to significantly increase your pitch count?

    • Improve your Trad Climbing - Your traditional climbing skills are certainly adequate, but how on earth can you efficiently gain confidence when tackling harder or more intimidating climbs in a reasonable manner?

    • Improve Advanced Tactics - Projecting can often feel like a frustrating experience, especially when it seems like an inefficient and ineffective use of your precious time. As you observe others projecting with apparent ease and grace, it’s only natural to wonder, "What am I doing wrong?".

    • Big Wall Skills - You have aspirations to free climb big walls, yet it appears that your current systems are not operating efficiently. What are some effective and practical ways to enhance those critical skills in order to increase your odds of achieving success?

    • Insights for Big Goals - As a seasoned sport climber with a wealth of experience, you may be seeking deeper insight into where to effectively direct your training efforts to maximize your performance outside.

  • Begin with a clear and focused vision of what you are hoping to gain from the day. Consider whether there is a particular climb or ideal location that aligns with your criteria to maximize your overall coaching experience. Taking these factors into account will ensure that our coaching session is purposeful and enriching.

    • See the list of climbing areas above.

    If you are having a hard time identifying the ideal location Coach Sjong can provide some suggestions.

    • Select a duration of time that makes the most sense for your goals for the day.

    • If you are planning a day with your regular climbing partner a Half Day or Full Day is required.

Outdoor Focus

  • A targeted coaching session is far superior to merely checking off as many learning opportunities as possible in a single day. By focusing on specific skills and techniques, climbers can gain a deeper understanding and mastery of the concepts, ultimately leading to more effective and lasting progress.

  • Schedule the day with your regular climbing partner, and both of you are experienced climbers, Coach Sjong can set up a fixed line adjacent to your climb. This arrangement allows for immediate and highly effective feedback during your climbing session. Utilizing this method provides a powerful avenue for real-time improvement and skill enhancement.

  • Take detailed notes on the questions you might have that arise from previous days spent outdoors, this method can be an exceptionally effective way to maximize your learning and enhance your climbing skills.

Let’s make this happen!

If you are interested in Outdoor Coaching, start by filling out the form provided below.