Book a Coaching Session

If you have reached this page you are curious about coaching. It all begins with a single action.

Session Duration

When selecting the session duration in the scheduler below, consider your experience level and goals as a climber.

  • $100/Hour for In-Person Coaching (Reduced Price for a Limited Time)

    Payment | All private coaching sessions will pay Movement directly the day of the session.

    2:1 Private Coaching Session | If you want to do a session with your climbing partner the price is the same for my time but requires a two hour session.

  • For those who are new to climbing, with six months of experience or less, a 60-minute session works best. This duration allows beginners to get a taste of coaching while focusing on fundamental techniques and building strength.

  • For more experienced climbers, a 90-minute session provides the ideal balance between challenging oneself and preventing too much fatigue. It allows for a deeper exploration of advanced techniques and honing specific skills.

  • For those seeking a coaching session with a partner, a 120-minute session is ideal. This duration ensures ample time for two climbers to receive guidance, feedback, and coaching while climbing together.

    However, I recommend starting with a One-on-One session to establish a rapport and foundation before moving to a 2:1 ratio. This ensures focused attention and tailored coaching to further enhance your climbing journey.

Session Types

  • First Session

    All first time clients who have not worked with Justen in the last year should start with a skills evaluation.

  • Next Step Session

    Ideal for climbers who have been working hard on their practice routines and want guidance on what to focus on next.

  • Performance Session

    Excellent for athletes who want to excel in their climbing efforts or competitions.

  • Support Session

    Great for those who want to make their practice more effective.

Book an appointment.