Map the Hands | Sequencing
Know our hand sequence from the perspective of the ground.
Know our hand sequence from the perspective of the ground. ==>
Primary Information for How & Why
To effectively embark on this skill builder, there are a few key pieces of essential information you need to know. These primary details will guide you in learning & performing the skill correctly and maximizing the benefits of your practice.
When climbing you have a plan of how you will move your hands on the wall.
Success = Description of what good looks like for this skill.
Our hands provide us with security on the wall and when we have a plan for them it’s easier to direct attention to our lower body or other skills.
Why = Broad explanation of why this skill is important.
1) On the ground, mimic how you believe the hand sequence will go. Include any matches & intermediate holds.
2) Rotate your wrists to the orientation with how you will grab the hold.
3) Your hands should mimic how you might need to pull between holds. Example: Static Pull, Pop, Roll the Shoulder.
4) Mimic the distance between the pulls. This helps communicate from your mind to your body.
5) Express a breath on the “Good” holds.
6) A section might be confusing so you can determine a higher hold which you are confident which hand you want on it. Then reverse the sequence down to the last hold you are confident in.
7) Sections where you see a number of possible sequences. Mimic the various options and don’t be firm in your beliefs so you are not caught off guard.
8) You might want to repeat the whole process more than once between attempts.
Directions = Written guidance for the skill.
Essential knowledge to be Effective
To embark on any skill builder successfully, it is crucial to have a strong foundation of essential information. This knowledge will ensure that you perform the skill appropriately to maximize the benefits of your practice. This section will provide you with the necessary depth to best perform this skill builder.
1) Sequence only 1/2 of the climb.
2) Sequence the whole climb once.
3) Sequence once before your attempt and once after your attempt.
4) Sequence the whole climb once then attempt to recall the bottom half without looking. Only look when needed. This stresses your ability to see or feel the sequence.
5) Do the same as progression #4 but recall the whole climb.
6) Count the moves and hear the cadence of your rate of recall. Where you pause, it’s either complicated or your mind needs to pause and recharge.
7) Once you know the number of hand moves take a moment at home to sequence the climb.
Progressions = Listing of the progressions for this skill.
Tips = There might be suggestions on how best to practice & integrate the skill.
References for this exercise
The references below provide clarity by explaining the key terms in a concise manner.
Edit the time field to reflect the total estimated time you spent practicing this skill.
Record = What and how to record relevant data to track any changes.
Intermediate Hold = This is a hold this is used to move your feet or reel in your hips before grabbing the primary hold that will be used to grab the next hold with the other hand. Also referred to a “Bump” hold.
Good Holds = Good is relative to the grade. A good hold on a 5.8 is different to a good hold on a 5.14 but the climber might plan for a similar response on the wall.
Definitions = Explanation of a term.