1st Day | Climbing Sensei Overview

Primary Information for Executing this Exercise

To effectively embark on this exercise routine, there are a few key pieces of essential information you need to know. These primary details will guide you in performing the exercises correctly and maximizing the benefits of your workout.

  • If you clicked on the plus sign and you are reading this sentence means you figured out the first task!

    Click the + = Coach Sjong’s HaHa humor on how to open the accordion menu ;)

  • Welcome and I’m excited that you are learning how to navigate your coaching program! Keep following the Rabbit Hole of information.

    Goal = Each exercise will have a general stated purpose.

  • 1) I hope you read the title located at the top left of this webpage called “1st Day | Climbing Sensei Overview”.

    2) You may have noticed the YouTube video below the title. I want you to watch this video If you have internet access. The video is called “Everfit Client App Demo” and it covers the general functions of the app.

    3) This webpage is formatted like the skill builder & exercise pages. This section of the page highlights how to get started.

    4) The section below provides more detail & depth on the subject matter. Scroll down and explore each of the sections the you are seeking more knowledge.

    5) In each of the accordion sections you will find in italic a definition of the purpose of that section.

    6) LAST STEP, open the Everfit App and look at your “1st Workout”.

    Directions = Written directions for the exercise.

Essential knowledge to be Effective 

To embark on any exercise routine successfully, it is crucial to have a strong foundation of essential information. This knowledge will ensure that you perform the exercises appropriately to maximize the benefits of your workout. This section will provide you with the necessary depth to best perform this exercise.

  • Everfit is designed for traditional fitness but allows for some adaptations to better suit climbing. You will have your training routine mapped out in the app and a place to submit your videos for review.

    CS spin on Everfit App = Explanation of how Climbing Sensei intends for you the athlete to use the app for the coaching program.

  • Communication - How

    Interaction is key to have a positive remote coaching experience. There are various ways to interact and it can be confusing to know how best to reach out. Below are some suggestions.

    • Email Ideal method for expressing a series of questions that can be followed up in written form or on a future call. Ideal for having access to for the conversation at a later date.

    • Video Call Conversation that require sharing a screen like a climbing video or when it’s ideal to see each others body language during a conversation.

    • Audio Call More flexibility than a video call for a quick conversation that might be related to a follow up question where dialog is needed for full understanding of an answer to a question.

    • Inbox is the In-App message system related to the training program.

    • Comment Made in the App connected to a workout that might be a Training Note that is directed for you the athlete or the coach. This is also an ideal place for a direct question to the coach on something requires more clarity or curiosity question.

    Communication - Why

    Learning is the goal and forming a relationship remotely requires connection on various topics. Here are some conversation suggestions.

    • Clarity If something is not clear reach out via a comment in the app.

    • Curiosity If you have a question or made a connection please share via a comment or the next Check-In.

    • Guidance Maximizing your training time is important and sometimes that means we should adjust the program in the moment.

    • Peaks & Valleys Sharing the good is equally important as sharing the negative. This provides insight into what effects you the athlete.

    • Learning Moment by sharing your insights it’s more likely to have a larger impact for longer.

    Communication = This is critical for a successful program. Remember the athlete drives the program and the coaching is a support role.

  • Growth Ratio

    Climbing seems to have an endless number of skills to learn or practice. The Growth Ratio is the amount of skills the athlete displays competency for -vs- the skills that have been assigned to practice & improve under various Learning Zones.

    • Skill Level | Number of skills where an athlete displays a level of mastery within the technical & mental aspect.

    • Opportunity Skills | Number of skills the athlete is actively practicing to gain mastery.

    • Growth Ratio | The percentage of Skill -vs-Opportunity that the climber is aiming towards. In broad terms 80/20 is best but unique individuals may respond to a greater or more even range.

    * See chart below

    Learning Zones

    In climbing we have three primary styles of climbing that help us categorize our climbing ability. They are useful for testing our level of mastery for a skill.

    • Warm Up | The best zone to practice a new skill.

    • Project | The first zone to test your skill’s programming.

    • Onsight | The zone to test mastery of the skill.

    Here are three other learning zones that might be helpful to practice a new skill.

    • Easy | Simple movement with a low probability of not sending.

    • Engaged & Focused | A level of climbing where you will likely send but need to pay attention on the wall.

    • Problem Solving | Climber has to take risks to solve the climb with a much higher chance of falling.

    ** See chart below

    Workload & Intensity

    • Workload | The amount of training that is occurring. Example: # of Sets, Reps, Attempts or Duration.

    • Intensity | The level of challenge for a specific routine vary because of the intent. A lower intensity level provides an opportunity to learn. A higher intensity level will strain the system to challenge the body or mind.

    Adjusting these two variables is routine for the athlete for few reasons. When you are making positive gains and need more of a challenge or the opposite when you are not recovered enough.

    • Listen | Being in tune with how your body is responding is critical for success.

    • Explore | Testing out ideas is valuable but always be open to the possibility that you made the wrong choice. We learn more from our failures so don’t fear them.

    • Injury | When we push too hard or don’t recover enough we are at risk of getting injured. DO NOT FEAR stopping a routine because it feels wrong or too much. Reducing the Workload or Intensity might be the correct immediate response or being done for the day.

    Tips = An exercise might have suggestions on how best to execute the exercise.

  • Tasks & Routines - ✅

    Marking complete feels rewarding but also creates a record of completion. Your coach will get an update on each item that gets completed and when you add notes they will be shared.

    Moving Workouts

    The athlete has the ability to move Workouts in the EverFit app. If you do not complete a routine, leave it incomplete but if you choose to complete the Workout (Series of exercises) on another day it’s best to move the Workout to reflect the change.

    • Rest Day Moving a routine to a rest day is an option but you should be feeling well recovered from the last session.

    • Training Day Adding to the day is an option if you have the time and energy. This is an example where adjusting the workload & intensity level is wise.

    • Incomplete Not finishing or completing a routine might be the best option. You could find yourself more rested the next training day and perform well which is a mental win! But, if you find yourself not doing much on your Training Day that basically equals an active rest day so doing a modified version of your routines on your next rest day could be wise choice.

    Deleting Workouts

    Best practice is to not delete your Workouts or Tasks unless… together we determine to make a permanent change.

    • Workload If we might determine that there is too much in the plan and choose to delete a Workout because it does not helping us reach our goal.

    • Injury We talk and determine a routine is not a “good fit” for our goals and it places too much “risk of injury” on the athlete. Or, we leave a comment in the last day doing that Workout so we have a note to refer to in the future.

    • Change Sometimes during conversation we might choose to adjust the program by swapping out one Workout for another.

    Maintaining an Accurate Plan = What is our standard protocol on keeping the program accurate.

References for this exercise

The references below provide clarity by explaining the key terms in a concise manner.

  • Located in the Task section

    • DAILY INTENTION | States the primary focus for the day.

    • MODIFICATION | How best to adapt your program on this day.

    Today’s Mission = Explanation of the priority for the day.

  • You can expect to see this nomenclature for most exercises or workouts.


    • DESCRIPTION | Simple description of this specific exercise.

    • LOCATION | Where you might conduct this exercise.

    Example: Double Warm Up | Bouldering


    • DESCRIPTION | Simple describer of this series of exercises.

    • LEVEL or LOCATION | Difficulty of this workout or Where you might conduct this exercise.

    Example: Core | Level 1

    Naming = Explanation of of how exercises & workouts were given names.

  • You can expect to see many of these categories to provide you with guidance on how to develop the skill.

    • SKILL | Name of the skill

    • SUCCESS | Description of what good looks like for this skill.

    • WHY | Broad explanation of why this skill is important.

    • DIRECTIONS | Written guidance for the skill.

    • PROGRESSION | Stages of development for this skill.

    • TIPS | There might be suggestions on how best to practice & integrate the skill.

    • RECORD | What and how to record relevant data to track any changes.

    • DEFINITION | Explanation of a term.

    Skill Builder = A specific skill that has been determined it needs further development.

  • A workout might contain a number of exercises or skill builders that are related to a single goal.

    • Workouts are blocked into sections.

    • This allows the flexibility to move sections to other days.

    Workouts = A series of exercises grouped together.

  • You can expect to see many of these categories to provide you with guidance on how to execute this exercise.

    • REMINDER | Friendly nudge to remember to do the right thing.

    • GOAL | Each exercise will have a general stated purpose.

    • DIRECTIONS | Written directions for the exercise.

    • PROGRESSIONS | An exercise might have a series of stages to progress through as you improve in your competency level.

    • INTENSITY | Explanation of the desired level of effort for this exercise.

    • TIPS | An exercise might have suggestions on how best to execute the exercise.

    • SET | Definition for what makes a “Set” during this exercise.

    • RECORD | What and how to record relevant data to track any changes.

    • DEFINITION | Explanation of a term.

    Exercise = A single physical routine.