Top 5 | Boulders
Primary Information for Executing this Exercise
To effectively embark on this exercise routine, there are a few key pieces of essential information you need to know. These primary details will guide you in performing the exercises correctly and maximizing the benefits of your workout.
Be strategic and you are able to repeat boulders but need to finish them all in 90 minutes.
Reminder = Friendly nudge to remember to do the right thing.
A metric to see how you are climbing at the moment.
Goal = Each exercise will have a general stated purpose.
1) Determine where you want to conduct your performance. Training Board, Commercial Set or Outside but having a standard that does not change is best.
2) Start the timer for 90 minutes.
3) A boulder will take you 30 to 60 seconds to complete. Pace yourself with quality breaks & time for practicing your ground game.
4) You do not have to climb boulders from the ground each time. You have the option to work beta mid climb.
5) You must climb from the start to the finish for it to count as one of your Tops.
Directions = Written directions for the exercise.
Essential knowledge to be Effective
To embark on any exercise routine successfully, it is crucial to have a strong foundation of essential information. This knowledge will ensure that you perform the exercises appropriately to maximize the benefits of your workout. This section will provide you with the necessary depth to best perform this exercise.
1) Make sure that you complete 5 boulders.
2) If you complete 5 and have more time see if you can eliminate your easiest boulder.
Progressions = An exercise might have a series of stages to progress through as you improve in your competency level.
Don’t be shy to try hard early, that can be when you send your hardest boulders. Being fresh is a good thing.
Some people warm up up slowly and need a few ticks to get the send training moving along.
Intensity = Explanation of the desired level of effort for this exercise.
Have fun and think of it as a game.
Be wise with you energy when you are working or reviewing the beta.
Doing a few easy boulders that don’t count may help with recovery doing the 90 minutes.
Know what you need! Want it crowded for the energy or quiet to have better focus?
Tips = An exercise might have suggestions on how best to execute the exercise.
References for this exercise
The references below provide clarity by explaining the key terms in a concise manner.
90 Minutes is a single set.
Set = Definition for what makes a “Set” during this exercise.
Record the location, and grades
Record = What and how to record relevant data to track any changes.
Definitions = Explanation of a term.