Hard/Easy | Bouldering

Primary Information for Executing this Exercise

To effectively embark on this exercise routine, there are a few key pieces of essential information you need to know. These primary details will guide you in performing the exercises correctly and maximizing the benefits of your workout.

  • Best if you have a good understanding of the quality of boulders in the gym so you can select ideal climbs to engrain quality movement patterns.

    Reminder = Friendly nudge to remember to do the right thing.

  • Discover how it may feel to loose your confidence on the wall. Then explore what behaviors or actions make you feel confident again.

    Goal = Each exercise will have a general stated purpose.

  • 1) Select a “Hard” boulder and attempt it for 10+ minutes.

    2) You should have short breaks between attempts where you generate a plan.

    3) General plan is to attempt the “Hard” boulder for 10+ minutes and use the remaining time for the “Easy” boulder.


If you feel frustrated on the “Hard” boulder transition early to the “Easy” boulder and climb it a few times to re establish your confidence.

    5) Begin your rest period and repeat the process on your next set.

    Directions = Written directions for the exercise.

Essential knowledge to be Effective 

To embark on any exercise routine successfully, it is crucial to have a strong foundation of essential information. This knowledge will ensure that you perform the exercises appropriately to maximize the benefits of your workout. This section will provide you with the necessary depth to best perform this exercise.

  • 1) Spend less time on the “Hard” boulder and more time finding your confidence on the “Easy” boulder.

    2) Spend 10 minutes on the “Hard” boulder and the remaining 5 on the “Easy” boulder.


3) Spend 13+ minutes on the “Hard” boulder and allow only one attempt on the “Easy” boulder to establish your confidence.

    Progressions = An exercise might have a series of stages to progress through as you improve in your competency level.

  • A "Hard" climb which is something where you will be challenged to maintain your on the wall skill focus. This is listed in your skills homework.

    Intensity = Explanation of the desired level of effort for this exercise.

  • Learn what actions provide you with confidence on & off the wall.


Learn the behaviors that build doubt in your climbing.


Build the language to describe what leads to doubt and what helps you gain confidence.

    Tips = An exercise might have suggestions on how best to execute the exercise.

References for this exercise

The references below provide clarity by explaining the key terms in a concise manner.

  • Set = 15 minutes then rest period.

    Set = Definition for what makes a “Set” during this exercise.

  • Edit & log the total number of attempts in the Reps field. If you attempted the “Hard” boulder 4 times and the “Easy” boulder 2 times enter 6.

    Leave a comment about any lessons learned or anything you want to have a greater chance of remembering or learn from in the future.

    Record = What and how to record relevant data to track any changes.

  • Difficulty is relative to your ability.

    Hard = Any boulder that is in the learning zone of “Problem Solving”

    Easy = Any climb in the learning zone of “Easy” or up into the “Engaged & Focused” zone.

    Definitions = Explanation of a term.