Blend the Moves



Momentum ==>

Primary Information for How & Why

To effectively embark on this skill builder, there are a few key pieces of essential information you need to know. These primary details will guide you in learning & performing the skill correctly and maximizing the benefits of your practice.

  • See more moves blended together at the “Easy” end of the range but see it sometimes see it at the “Problem Solving” end of the range.

    Success = Description of what good looks like for this skill.

  • It takes energy to stop & start momentum. Its efficient and feels good to blend the moves when possible.

    Why = Broad explanation of why this skill is important.

  • 1) When we climb in a more relaxed state our body has a sway. When we blend the our moves well it has to do with how we manipulate our sway.

    2) We can manipulate our sway by the pressure through our touch points. Our legs & arms can either push or pull through our toes or hands. The amount of pressure will effect the sway by either making it mild or severe.

    3) When we look ahead our brain can do advance “math” to determine the ideal pressure to move your hands in rhythm to the sway with the occasional foot movement that flows into the sway.


The previous step will require exploratory and practice to condition our body on how to make it happen. Over time you will gain the ability to capture this skill on an onsight attempt.

    Directions = Written guidance for the skill.

Essential knowledge to be Effective 

To embark on any skill builder successfully, it is crucial to have a strong foundation of essential information. This knowledge will ensure that you perform the skill appropriately to maximize the benefits of your practice. This section will provide you with the necessary depth to best perform this skill builder.

  • 1) Start by creating & feeling a mild sway in your body with your legs & arms. Next, just make the next move in sync with the sway of your body. You are not focusing on the blending of moves yet. Your goal is more about making the next move in sync with your sway.

    2) Now that you have the feeling of moving your body in sync with your body sway. When you have a high foot in relation to your next 3 hand moves. Play with moving your hands in rhythm of your sway.

    3) Now that you have a level of confidence with moving your hands in sync to the sway. Play with pivoting on your toes to enhance your body position and find comfort moving with a level of lightness on the wall.


4) You might find yourself needing to match feet to make the next move. You can toggle between two types of flags. The standard flag to the outside flag. Often when we match our feet we are seeking to create the standard flag in the opposite direction. The outside flag is more or less the same thing as match feet in this situation.

    5) Now let's explore the idea of moving your foot up to support another hand move or two. The goal is to move the foot in sync with your sway but on the rebound you might find yourself driving with that same leg to reach the next hold.

    Progressions = Listing of the progressions for this skill.

  • Blending of moves is more about fluidly moving your hands but sometimes with a strategic sway you can move a foot to keep that energy moving for a few more moves.

    Tips = There might be suggestions on how best to practice & integrate the skill.

References for this exercise

The references below provide clarity by explaining the key terms in a concise manner.

  • Edit the time field to reflect the total estimated time you spent practicing this skill.

    Record = What and how to record relevant data to track any changes.

  • Blank

    Definitions = Explanation of a term.